The #1 Thing That Holds Most People Back & How To Overcome It
I recently asked my DG family what hold’s them back. Literally 90% of people said the same thing… SO… I decided to share what that ONE thing was and how to tackle it head on.
How To Make Tough Decisions
Everyone has to make tough decisions in their life. But how do you make them easier? Well that’s what I want to talk about in todays podcast.
How Life Tricks Us, But This Secret Lets Us Win
I want to share a secret about life with you today that would have changed my life if somebody told me this years ago… Let me start with a simple question… What’s your favorite food? If it’s not something sweet or unhealthy then good…
How To KILL The WORRY In Your Life
Everyone worries… So, how can we kill the worry in your life? How can we stop overthinking and start taking control of our thoughts and emotions? Well… thats what I am going to teach you today so listen up and take notes!
How To Become A Better Performer
I want to share what all successful people have in common. You might think this is one of my most simple messages… But… It’s one of my keys to success and one of the most underrated keys to success.
How To Convince A Customer To Buy From You
Today I want to talk about direct response marketing. I want to share the two types of advertising and why most companies never reach their full potential. I go in depth about some of my biggest secrets in copywriting, sales, marketing…