How To Unlock Your Power Of Persuasion

Can you remember a time when you felt an urgency, or even desperation because things were tough? Maybe you just weren’t finding that breakthrough…  maybe you couldn’t get that first client or sale… heck maybe you had bills to pay and not…

What Everyone Struggling Needs To Know Right Now

We all have moments when we feel like the cards are stacked against us… Or true success just isn’t going to be part of our story… But did you know those moments could actually become the reason you succeed? My wife Lisa joined me in this podcast…

One SIMPLE Step To Overcome Fear

Have you ever been really scared to start your business, film a video, send an email… But you pushed through your fear, and the result was amazing? Sadly we usually don’t push through our fears… But I’m gonna tell you how to take that final…

How To Use Your Past As Your Fuel

You know what Michael Jordan, Bob Marley and Albert Einstein all have in common? They all faced major disadvantages in their lives… And they each used their underdog story as fuel to become absolute legends. My wife Lisa is joining me on this…

Talent Is Overrated… Focus On This ONE Thing Instead

I grew up thinking I was dumb… My reading level was low, I had dyslexia and I was terrified to talk in front of class. And now I’m a multiple New York Times bestselling author! The truth is, talent wasn’t the driving force behind my success and…

How To Make Enthusiasm Your Rocket Fuel

Almost every single successful person I know has enthusiasm… I even know people who are super introverted, but when they talk about their passion they exude excitement! And I think that passion is an absolute MUST to living a happy life and finding…