Is This Secretly Crippling Your Success?
How much time do you spend focusing on a failure? How long do you hold a grudge? One of the biggest keys to success is learning not to dwell on past failures… all this does is suck the energy and time you could be spending building a compelling…
Your Loved Ones Need You To Be Like This Right Now
Listen – if you’re scared, congrats on being human. These are unprecedented times and it’s okay to have fear of the uncertainty… But this too shall pass, and in the meantime your family, friends, clients and the WORLD need you to be a leader. Check…
How to Reprogram Your Brain for Success
I failed…. but I came out on the other side stronger. It is crazy to think about what is going on in the world… These last few weeks I found myself slipping down a deep dark hole… I wasn’t being the parent I wanted, I wasn’t being the husband I…
What’s Guiding Your Decisions During These Crazy Times?
Let me take a guess… Is it fear? Is it worry? Is it a NEED for security? I don’t blame you one bit if you’re fearful during these times… but fear shouldn’t guide your decisions. So check out this podcast and let’s talk about overcoming…
If I Had To Start From Scratch Today, Here’s What I Would Do
I’m willing to bet you desire another level… of success, happiness, stability or purpose. But do you know exactly what your next step is, or are you feeling confused about where to go next? Especially during a shifting economy and global health…
3 Ways To Crush Your Fear And Anxiety
If you’re like me then you’ve had moments where anxiety or stress takes hold of you and you get overwhelmed… This happened to me recently and I had to remind myself to overcome it using the strategies I’ve learned throughout my life… And…