Turn Your Struggles Into Strengths By Doing This

How can you turn your struggle into your strength? I know it sounds impossible but in reality it’s easier than most people think. So that’s why I want to share how to turn your struggle into your strength and overcome your biggest obstacle. Also make…

Use This Hack To Kill The Worry In Your Life

Worry is in all of our lives… It can often times hold us back from every reaching our full potential and holding us back from really going after it. That’s why in this video I share with you my simple tricks to kill the worry in your life and how to…

3 Ways To Accelerate Your Success

In today’s podcast I want to share with you how I went from broke to millionaire in 3 steps. Many people over complicate success and think they could never achieve it… Truth is it’s not as hard as people think. So today I am going to share with you…

How To Stop Being Insecure In One Easy Step

I want to share a very personal story that was difficult to understand when I was young but ended up changing my life in a positive way. When I was young I was HORRIBLE at reading and even my teachers told me so. At the time I was very insecure and…

3 Easy Ways To Be More Productive

Most people say they are “Busy”…  and to be honest I really don’t like that word… Why? Because being “busy” doesn’t mean you accomplished anything important… But being productive means you took advantage of every second of your day and…

This is What Apple, Nike and Amazon ALL Have In Common

When I was driving around Scottsdale the other day I realized something so valuable I had to share it with you. I want you to really think about what I am going to share with you if you own a business, are trying to start a business or trying to think…