The Ugly Truth About Problems (How Problems = Success)
In today’s podcast I want to share how I look at problems and what I believe is the “Ugly Truth” about problems. Many people want the fancy car, the big house, the watch and million dollar business WITHOUT putting in the time and dealing with the…
How To Guarantee a Better Life For The Next Generation
It’s time for you to become the line in the sand… To say “no more” to the negative baggage that society or your family has passed along for generations… And to decide what success will look life for you and the generations that come after…
How I Overcame My Own Addictions
I want to share a story and be extra vulnerable today. Everyone has gone through their deal of crap… This podcast isn’t to downplay the power of addictions or to share how good I am. This podcast is to share my story and how I dealt with my own…
The 7 Steps To Creating Change That Lasts
The framework I shared with my Inner Circle family on growing through adversity and creating REAL change got the best and most feedback of any I’ve done in over a year. So much so, that we decided we must share it. Listen to this podcast and learn…
How To Do The Things You HATE
Is it really possible to do the things you hate? Yes, it is unbelievably tough… but sometimes you have to do the things you hate to reach that next level. So in today’s podcast I want to share how some of the most successful people in the world do…
How Do We Solve Big Problems That Seem Unsolvable?
In today’s podcast, I share a framework to solving even the most challenging problems. We all need this message!! But specifically, I want to talk about the tragedy of George Floyd and about how, as disgusting as it is, it makes us aware that…