Why The Hell Are You Listening to THEM?
What are they thinking? Why do they discourage you? Maybe it’s because they worry about you… don’t want you to be disappointed… Or maybe it’s because they’re scared you’ll actually succeed at taking your life to that next level! One…
Why I Think Most People FAIL in Life
No one has ever gotten to their next level without facing major obstacles. Maybe it was fear, or poverty, or lack of love or education. BUT… Everyone has to weather some storms. EVERYONE. Don’t believe me? Click today’s podcast and I’ll tell…
How To Deal With Depression
In this podcast I interviewed Vivian Kaye… an absolute SUPERSTAR entrepreneur! (Check her out @itsviviankaye on twitter and IG) We go deep in multiple areas but we shared something very important in common that we went deep on. So if you ever have…
How Fear Can Make You More Successful
Are you making decisions in these crazy times through the eyes of fear? Hey, I get it… This virus has thrown people out of work, stopped progress, locked down not only people but their dreams too. But now is not the time to give into it… Look at…
How To Be a Great Employee + How To Find Them
I had a revelation a few years ago and it absolutely changed my life… Let’s say you were going to pick a business partner… Someone you’d work with, shoulder to shoulder, day in, day out for years. I’m talking conference rooms, coffee breaks,…
How to Avoid Missing Opportunities
Have you ever heard the saying, the squeaky wheel gets the grease? Well, every successful entrepreneur I know has succeeded by doing something along those lines… And I’ve met too many people who have been unwilling to do this one small thing……