How To Stop Being Jealous (Break Free from Jealous Thoughts)

person staring at another who is unaware

Did you know that Shakespeare once described jealousy as a “green-eyed monster” that laughed at its victims? Your jealous feelings might not have green eyes, but learning how to stop being jealous still feels like you’re battling a monster. After all, feelings of jealousy can get pretty over-powering if you let them. Just like a […]

Healthy vs. Unhealthy Competition in Business

chess board with pieces

We’re all familiar with the phrase, “A little competition never hurt anybody.” But is that really true, or can too much of a competitive spirit be a bad thing? The answer boils down to the type of competition you involve yourself in.  There are 2 types of competition: healthy competition and unhealthy competition. In business, […]

How To Move Away, Start Over and Create A New Life

Boxes and house plants

Start from square one. Turn over a new leaf. Begin the next chapter. There are a ton of different ways to express the same thought: You want to start over. You’re ready to reinvent yourself and leave your old life in the past.  Maybe you’ve been pouring over Zillow listings in a new city. Maybe […]

How to Believe in the Impossible (+50 Quotes)

jar with floating sparkles

When we were young, we lined our bookshelves with fairy tales, mythical adventures and space odysseys. But as we got older and learned more about the world around us, it became harder to believe in the impossible.  Before long, we replaced our dreams of being a princess and fighting supervillains with other types of dreams—like […]

How to Stop Being Lazy and Unmotivated (15 Healthy Habits to Adopt)

man listening to music while reading

“I’ll just do that thing tomorrow,” said an overly-optimistic you, 5 days ago. Famous last words, right? Because, spoiler alert: You still haven’t done the thing!  In all fairness, you probably had good intentions. Life can be incredibly hectic, and sometimes it feels easier to put less important tasks on the back burner for a […]

How to Define and Achieve Long-Term Goals in Business

man working hard at desk

Personal development courses and business coaches always recommend setting effective long-term goals—and for good reason. Long-term goals serve as a roadmap to your business success and motivation as you advance down your career path. But along the way, you might ask yourself, “What are long-term goals, anyway?”  We define long-term goals as objectives that you […]