What Does It Take to Become a Successful Entrepreneur?
Some people just seem to get ahead, born with a silver spoon and all kinds of unfair advantages. Makes you wonder, what does it take to achieve success? I’m successful and I sure wasn’t born with a silver spoon. So maybe it all depends on who you ask 😉 Listen, I hope my kids are […]
Can Money Really Buy Happiness? (Don’t Get Me Started!)
It’s been said to me more than once: “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” Know what I always say to that? I call b.s.! But let me answer it in a little kinder way with you… You probably know this, but my mom and dad worked their butts off for years. And once I made enough money […]
Are Your Thoughts Determining Your Level of Success?
What is reality? Seriously, what is reality? I’ve asked this question so many times. You probably have too… If you’re still with me so far, you’re probably somebody who questions everything… and we should all the time. Always question, always consider that we’re wrong a lot of the time. So again, what’s reality? It can […]
How To Use the Law of Attraction to Stay Positive In Tough Times
We all go through rough patches. When things go wrong or things don’t work out, I never dismiss it. I never think, “Okay, in three minutes, I’m going to fix this and it will be perfect.” No, instead, I use the law of attraction to stay positive. When you’re down and everything feels like it’s […]
This One Bad Habit Is Crippling Your Success
I want to share with complete transparency. What I’m writing today might sting a little for some of you… There is one bad habit that could be holding you back from the success that you’ve worked so hard to gain. I have to tell you, in my personal life, I wasn’t that transparent. I hid […]
How To Sell Anything To Anyone Anytime
Somehow, lots of people believe that selling or asking for the deal or asking for a purchase is bad. They can be passionate about their product or service, but when it comes time to sell, something inside shows up and they’re unable or unwilling to make the deal. Sound like you? Personally I gotta tell […]