6 KEY VALUES to Look for in People Who’ll Take You to Your Next Level

After being an entrepreneur with over 13 successful companies… After monumental mistakes and some incredible accomplishments… You spend a lot of time coming to understand the values you need in that person sitting next to you. Nothing will help you reach your next level more than what I’m sharing with you today… Whether it’s a […]

The Worst Sales Mistake I EVER Made!

I’m going to tell you the worst sales experience I ever had… And I’m telling you, it’s a good one – the complete opposite of a good sales call! In the 70s and 80s I was broker-than-broke but by the early 90s I was hustling a good living flipping properties, buying with no money down… […]

Why Self-Education Should Be Your New Normal

Listen, I don’t want to knock the traditional college path…  My son wants to be a doctor… He’s brilliant but I don’t want him practicing on real people at first haha… So no, I’m not against the normal education for careers like that. And I worked my butt off to give my kids choices like […]

Why You Must Find Your ‘Why’

If you asked a million people “Would you like to make more money?” Everybody would answer yes. But you probably already know that only a small group are actually willing to work for it. So the next most important question is “WHY are you willing to work for it?” Maybe you think that’s easy to […]

3 Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read… If You Want to Succeed!

If you know anything about me, then you know I wasn’t a very good student.  That’s the understatement of the year. Dyslexia trashed my GPA… But the beauty of technology is that it gives us dozens of ways to overcome disadvantages like mine… for example, audiobooks! I want to share some of my favorite books… […]

My “Win Every Day” Morning Routine!

Do you have a morning routine? I don’t think anyone’s routine is necessarily better than anyone else’s… But I definitely think you need a morning routine. The thing is, don’t think of it as a ritual or a chore… Think of your morning routine differently… as setting up your day with next-level confidence. And when […]