Dean Graziosi

6 KEY VALUES to Look for in People Who’ll Take You to Your Next Level

By Dean Graziosi

After being an entrepreneur with over 13 successful companies…

After monumental mistakes and some incredible accomplishments…

You spend a lot of time coming to understand the values you need in that person sitting next to you.

Nothing will help you reach your next level more than what I’m sharing with you today…

Whether it’s a new relationship, a business partnership, whether it’s employees, strategic alliances, whatever –

What values should you look for to attract the right people?

#1: Hungry for achievement…

I need somebody who’s hungry for the next level, who wants to grow, not just looking for a job…

I mean, there are some people that’d be happy if you paid them 60 grand a year to sit and stare at a field to make sure rabbits didn’t eat the lettuce!

That’s not the person I want. I want someone to go, “No, I’ll sit here and watch it if I could run the farm or maybe own that field someday.”

That’s who I want. How about you?

#2: Will do whatever it takes…

I’m not just talking about working weekends and nights, even though I want that sometimes…

But someone who is like, “All right, I’m going to find a solution, I’m going to keep going and do whatever it takes.” 

Not, “I tried it, it failed, I’m done.”

People like that wouldn’t work here and won’t be successful. Do whatever it takes and the world will notice.

#3: Authentic enthusiasm…

I don’t mean hyper like, “Hey, look at me!” bouncing off the walls crazy or fake enthusiasm…

No, I’m talking someone who is definitely on board – who gets it – with a focused kind of drive.

#4: Quietly competitive (even with themself)…

I want someone who is competitive but not like, “Oh yeah, I’m winning!” 

No, more like, “Oh yeah, I got this.” A competitiveness born of real confidence not b.s. bravado and bragging.

I hate people who brag… always have, always will.

#5: Always working on personal growth…

I’m not hiring anyone who doesn’t work on their personal growth. It’s just not happening. 

If I bring up some area of growth I think is important and they’re like, “Nah, I don’t need that.”

Guess what else you don’t need? This job! 😉

#6: A team player…

I want somebody who looks out for the people around them… somebody who really cares.

I don’t want somebody that’s all about their own significance or about “what’s my title”…

You want to be on my team, then you need to be a team player.

So that’s it, anybody who wants to join my team has to want that next level too…

Because we can’t go to our next level unless we bring new people into our lives…

It’s just a fact… You can’t do it alone and reach your next level and neither can I.Which values do you look for in people? Let me know. (I want to learn something!)

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